Saturday, 8 February 2025

2025 Programme Available

Our activities for 2025 are now available to view on our 'Meetings' Page. There are still a couple of things to clarify but the listing is 99% complete. Professional demonstrations, workshops run by members and optional themes are all locked in and loaded.

Friday, 6 December 2024

Sad News

This morning we received news that Mike Ainsworth had passed away late Thursday evening. His family were with him. Mike had suffered some complications after successful radiotherapy for a recent cancer diagnosis. He had been a member of Leyland Artists for nearly eleven years and the groups treasurer since the restart after the Covid lock down. A role he had successfully taken on with enthusiasm. He will be greatly missed and we wish him God speed on his journey.

Mike Ainsworth 1947 - 2024

Thursday, 5 December 2024

End of Year Party

Another years slips by at Leyland Artists but a good excuse for a party. The 5th of December was our last meeting this year due to the centre closing for refurbishment so everyone brought along something to eat and we celebrated another successful year for the group.

Sue Redman - John Emmerton Trophy Winner

Sue Redman won the John Emmerton Trophy for her entry in the end of year competition. Sadly Mike Ainsworth, last years winner, was not well enough to attend to present the trophy but that can be given to Sue after the Christmas break.

Despite the Mountains theme having to finish early five entries were presented for display. More will be presented here in the new year as they are completed. Click an image for a larger picture.

Thursday, 21 November 2024

Anne's Watercolour Texture Workshop

A brilliant evening last Thursday (21st Nov) as Anne delivered her Watercolour Texture workshop. She provided a wide range of materials to use from sponges to cling film and nearly everyone had a go. Her handout contained many examples of watercolour techniques including wet into wet, wet into dry, splattering, masking and giving it some stick with sandpaper! At the end of the evening a lot of varied pieces were presented for display. 

Click an image for a larger view. 

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Poppy Theme

Tonight was the climax of the Poppy theme. Members brought in their poppy related work to show on the display table. These themes are voluntary and anything goes in any medium. Here are the pieces displayed at the meeting but more will be placed here as they are completed. 

Click any image for a larger view.

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

John Emmerton 1924-2014

Who was John Emmerton?

Many new members have joined the group since Johns passing in 2014 so here is a little note about this founder member.

John G Emmerton was born in 1924 and served as a Leading Aircraftman with the RAF from 1940 to 1946. After leaving the service he joined the police force where he retired at the rank of inspector in 2005. John was a prolific artist and covered a wide range of subjects but his favourite genre was historical and present day buildings, both in and around his home and on holiday locations. As a long standing member of the former Farington Art Group John became a founder member of the new ‘Leyland Artists Group’ at its inception in 2011 and took pride in mentoring new artists and running children's art workshops in the summer at the local park. Upon his death in 2014 it was decided to create the “John Emmerton Trophy” in his honour which is awarded to the competition winner (by votes) at the end of each year and is presented at the groups end of year Christmas Party.

We present some of his work.

Friday, 8 November 2024

Day of the Dead Theme

The 'Flowery Skull' theme was chosen to recognise The Day of the Dead. The finish date was the 7th November 2024 and these are the pieces presented by our members. More will be added as they come in.

The Day of the Dead is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, though other days, such as October 31st or November 6th  may be included depending on the locality. The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and remember friends and family members who have died. These celebrations can take a humorous tone, as celebrants remember amusing events and anecdotes about the departed. It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed, and is also observed in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage.  Some argue that there are Indigenous Mexican or ancient Aztec influences that account for the custom, and it has become a way to remember those forebears of Mexican culture. The Day of the Dead is largely seen as having a festive characteristic.

Click on any image for a larger view.

Monday, 4 November 2024

Chorley Exhibiton 2024

Our exhibition at Chorley Library is now on display and will run until mid December. Great to see works from some of our newer members included in the 38 paintings in the exhibition. [CLICK HERE] for Library opening times and directions.

Chorley Library, Union Street, Chorley, Lancashire, PR7 1EB

Click an image for a larger view. Photo credits: Julie Searing, Paul Stanley.

Friday, 25 October 2024

Publicity Material

Our leaflets and posters have been updated with the latest details including a QR code leading to our website and all our social media streams (Facebook, blogger, Instagram and YouTube). This material is designed not only to encourage new membership but to publicise and raise awareness of the group which, hopefully, will lead to new exhibition spaces and cultural exchange. Just the laminated signs are to be used for exhibitions outside our catchment area so as not to needlessly waste the leaflets and bookmarks but all three will be used for local venues where we have a greater chance of picking up new members.