
We meet most Thursday evenings from 7.00pm until 9.00pm in the community area at Jubilee Court, West Paddock, Leyland. PR25 1JJ. You are most welcome to call in and see us.  

Our meetings are very informal and through the year we have a set subject which members have an option to join in with if they wish. Some of our members also run optional  workshops where you are invited to join in and experiment with concepts and mediums you may not be familiar with.

2025 Meetings

16 January - Art Group Returns.
Hopefully everyone had a pleasant Christmas and New Year and are now ready for an exciting year of art.

30 January - Group Annual General Meeting and Open Forum
Planning the activities and direction of the group for 2025. All welcome and everyone can have their say and present their point of view.

6 February
Continue with your own work.

13 February - Theme Start - Texture
Continue with your own work or make a start on our first theme for this year which is texture. This could be the texture of a landscape, a material, skin or anything that conveys textural form.  These optional themes are an opportunity for you to develop a piece of your own design in a medium of your choice depicting the chosen subject in any way you feel. Reveal date for this theme is 3rd April. 

20 February Professional Demonstration - Edward Foster
Edward lives in the Forest of Bowland and provides a unique visionary style of artwork. His workshop will provide the opportunity to produce an Imaginative Art Drawing in pencil. Materials required will be drawing pencils and paper although coloured pencils and other colour mediums can be used if members wish to embellish their work near the end. Edward will be teaching lots of drawing skills by both observational techniques and the use of imagination. [CLICK HERE] to visit Edwards website. Usual fee of £2.00 for members and £4.00 for visitors and invited guests.

27 February - Call for Paintings
Continue with your own work or progress with the current optional theme 'Texture'. Reveal date for this theme is 3rd April. Tonight is the deadline to bring your artwork for exhibition at Birkdale Library.

6 March - Paintings Return from Avant Garden Exhibition.
Continue with your own work or progress with the current optional theme 'Texture'. Reveal date for this theme is 3rd April. You will be able to collect your paintings from the exhibition held at Avant which finished on the 28th February.

13 March - Optional Workshop - Spring
Organised by our own Paul Stanley this workshop enables everyone to produce a painting or drawing capturing the vibrant spring colours using a medium of your choice. You can of course continue with your own work or progress with the theme 'Texture' in time for its reveal on the 3rd April.

20 March
Continue with your own work or progress with the current optional theme 'Texture'. Reveal date for this theme is 3rd April.

27 March
Continue with your own work or progress with the current optional theme 'Texture'. Reveal date for this theme is 3rd April.

3 April - Theme 'Texture' Reveal - New Theme 'Monochrome'.
Bring your completed 'Texture' theme for display. Continue with own work or start the next optional theme 'Monochrome'. A piece of work of any subject and in any medium but only using shades of one colour.  These optional themes are an opportunity for you to develop a piece of your own design in a medium of your choice depicting the chosen subject in any way you feel. Reveal date for this theme is 22nd May. 

10 April - Professional Demonstration - Elise Hendry
Elise is a popular demonstrator with our group and this time she will demonstrate one of her landscape paintings. Usual fee of £2.00 for members and £4.00 for visitors and guests.

17 April
Continue with own work or progress with the current optional theme 'Monochrome'. Reveal date for this theme is 22nd May. 

24 April
Continue with own work or progress with the current optional theme 'Monochrome'. Reveal date for this theme is 22nd May.  

1 May
Continue with own work or progress with the current optional theme 'Monochrome'. Reveal date for this theme is 22nd May.  Your paintings will be ready for collection this evening as they have been collected from the finished exhibition at Birkdale Library.

8 May
Continue with own work or progress with the current optional theme 'Monochrome'. Reveal date for this theme is 22nd May. 

15 May - Optional Workshop - Brusho and Ink Markers
Organised by our own Joan Hassall we have the opportunity to try out Yupo and Nara papers as well as other materials and techniques to discover what can be produced. You can of course continue with your own work or the current theme 'Monochrome. Reveal date for this theme is 22nd May. 

22 May - Theme 'Monochrome' Reveal - New Theme 'Native Art'
Bring your finished work of 'Monochrome' for display. Continue with own work or start the new optional theme of 'Native Art'. This can be your interpretation of art inspired by indigenous people such as Aboriginal, Māori, Mexican, Peruvian to name a few. Reveal date for this theme is 3rd July. 

29 May
Continue with own work or progress with the current optional theme 'Native Art'. Reveal date for this theme is 3rd July. 

5 June
Continue with own work or progress with the current optional theme 'Native Art'. Reveal date for this theme is 3rd July. 

12 June
Continue with own work or progress with the current optional theme 'Native Art'. Reveal date for this theme is 3rd July. 

19 June - Meeting to Paint 'En Plein Air'
Subject to the weather the idea will be to meet early (say 6pm) at Worden Park or a similar local spot for some sketching / painting that can be finished off over the following week and displayed at our meeting on the 26th. More details nearer the time.

26 June
Display last weeks Plein Air work. Continue with own work or progress with the current optional theme 'Native Art'. Reveal date for this theme is 3rd July.

3 July - Theme 'Native Art' Reveal - New Theme 'Water'
Bring your finished work of 'Native Art' for display. Continue with own work or start the new optional theme of 'Water'. This subject can be fluid (pun intended) in interpretation. Anything from a raging sea to a drop of dew on a petal. Reveal date for this theme is 21st August.

10 July - Materials & Products Display from Bromley's Art Supplies
This is something we haven’t tried before, but hopefully it will give everyone an insight into new materials and what is available in the art world. Liz Griffiths will provide a demonstration and bring along a selection of materials and products for us to view. 

17 July
Continue with own work or progress with the current theme of 'Water'. Reveal date for this theme is 21st August.

24 July
Continue with own work or progress with the current theme of 'Water'. Reveal date for this theme is 21st August.

31 July
Continue with own work or progress with the current theme of 'Water'. Reveal date for this theme is 21st August.

7 August
Continue with own work or progress with the current theme of 'Water'. Reveal date for this theme is 21st August.

14 August - Mid Term Review and Social Evening
An opportunity for everyone to get together and have a chat about how the year is progressing and provide any new ideas / thoughts about the art group.

21 August - Theme 'Water' Reveal - New Theme 'Tranquil'
Bring your finished work of 'Water' for display. Continue with your own work or start the new optional theme of 'Tranquil' in the style and medium of your choice. Your interpretation of this theme can be anything you find tranquil or relaxing. From a lazy summer evening to the view over the bedding on a Duvet Day, you are limited only by your imagination! Reveal date for this theme is 2nd October.

28 August
Continue with own work or progress with the optional theme 'Tranquil'. Reveal date for this theme is 2nd October.

4 September
Continue with own work or progress with the optional theme 'Tranquil'. Reveal date for this theme is 2nd October.

11 September
Continue with own work or progress with the optional theme 'Tranquil'. Reveal date for this theme is 2nd October.

18 September - Optional Workshop - 3D Geometric Art Form
Organised by our own Stephen Watson this hands on workshop gives you the opportunity to create a piece of three dimensional art that you can take home and show off. We also explore how geometry can be intergrated  into artwork, collage and stand alone pieces. All materials and tools supplied. No knowledge of trigonometry or relativity theory needed! You can of course continue with your own work or progress with the current theme of 'Tranquil'. Reveal date for this theme is 2nd October.

25 September
Continue with own work or progress with the optional theme 'Tranquil'. Reveal for this theme is 2nd October. Stephen will bring materials for anyone who wishes to continue with the 3D Geometric art from last week.

2 October - Theme 'Tranquil' Reveal - New Theme 'Shadows'
Bring your finished work of 'Tranquil' for display. Continue with your own work or start the new theme 'Shadows'. Reveal date for this theme is 13th November.

9 October
Continue with your own work or progress with the optional theme 'Shadows'. Reveal date for this theme is 13th November.

16 October - Professional Demonstration with Liam Dickinson
Liam gave an excellent demonstration to the Group last year and due to popular demand we have invited him back this year and this time Liam will demonstrate a cityscape painted in oils. Liam lives in Leyland and was a finalist in Sky’s portrait artist of the year show. Usual £2.00 cost for members and £4.00 charge for visitors/non members. [CLICK HERE] to visit Liam's website.

23 October
Continue with your own work or progress with the optional theme 'Shadows'. Reveal date for this theme is 13th November.

30 October - Call for Paintings for Chorley Library Exhibition
Continue with your own work or progress with the optional theme 'Shadows'. Reveal date for this theme is 13th November. Tonight is the last opportunity to bring paintings for the exhibition at Chorley Library.

6 November
Continue with your own work or progress with the optional theme 'Shadows'. Reveal date for this theme is 13th November.

13 November - Theme 'Shadows' Reveal
Bring your completed work for 'Shadows' for display. Continue with your own work.

20 November - Optional Workshop - Winter
Organised by our own Sue Redman and opportunity to produce an imaginative piece of work using the medium of your choice. Anything from a cool winter landscape  to a cosy scene by the fire. You can if you wish, continue with your own work.

27 November
Continue with your own work.

4 December
Continue with your own work.

11th December - Christmas Party 
Bring along a piece of artwork you have produced in 2025 for entry into the annual John Emmerton Trophy competition. Bring a plate of food and join in a nice relaxing evening before we break for Christmas.